Mar 27, 2010

Outside TPE

pretty much anything, designed for tourists on this island is the worst possible choice of weekend activity. Over and over again i am reminded that Taiwan is a great place to live but horrible place to travel. This isn't to say i haven't had some exceptional experiences here and there, but for the most part id rather stay in the city.

Come Saturday or Sunday i can count on my lady wanting to go and "do something". this means walk around and shop for the most part but sometimes she will want to go to some tourist spot. i don't understand the draw. Its always the same; subway, bus, wait in line, take 100 pics, eat some street food(that they sell right next to the house), wait in line, bus, subway, so happy to be home.

Despite my better judgment i reluctantly agreed to go to some mountain side for a nice walk and good views. Long story short, this proved to be as i previously expected, overcrowded and a waste of time. my girls selection of hiking/long walk footwear was entertaining though.

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